Rapid Drug Detox Center is an alcohol and drug addiction treatment facility that is located at 1380 Coolidge Hwy in Troy, Michigan. Treating substance abuse involves multiple stages of treatment through a recovery program such as that offered by Rapid Drug Detox Center. This can include group counseling, individual counseling, outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, and medically assisted detox, among many others. Treatment programs are based on the individual themselves and are constructed to suit each patient individually. Just as every person is unique, so should treatment programs and that is exactly what patients will receive at Rapid Drug Detox Center.
If addicts do not obtain the right type of support and guidance, they may find treatment to be very difficult as the thought of sobriety can seem so far-fetched. At Rapid Drug Detox Center, professional counseling and guidance are provided to all patients aged 18+, giving them the strength needed in order to obtain a life that is free of drug and alcohol addiction. By altering the patient's outlook on life through addiction treatment, they will be able to stay positive throughout the duration of rehab.
The staff members at Rapid Drug Detox Center have a mission and that is to give patients effective and quality addiction treatment so that long-lasting sobriety can be obtained. The path to a positive future starts on a positive foot and that begins at Rapid Drug Detox Center. Confronting addiction is a difficult thing to do, but it is the most important step in the recovery process. Through professional counseling during the patient's time in treatment, patients will learn coping skills and trigger management which is imperative to the success of maintaining sobriety.
Maintaining sobriety on one's own is extremely difficult, especially when the addict has tried to go 'cold turkey' on their own. This is because it requires medically-assisted detox in order to properly and safely wean the body off of the substance of abuse. This way the body does not go through sudden withdrawal nor experience harsh side effects. Rapid Drug Detox Center can provide patients with all of the necessary tools, treatments, and resources so that patients have every opportunity to succeed in recovery.
Getting treatment is the best option when seeking a life that is free of substance abuse. Get the help required now and start living the best life possible. Contact Rapid Drug Detox Center by visiting www.rapiddrugdetox.com now.
Did this twice, probably going back again due to my stupidity, but is the only thing that has worked for me in my entire adult life.*30*
My son went here 2 years ago for Methadone addiction. He was addicted to oxi for at least 6 years. He had become a liar and a thief junkie with no hope. He went to a Methodone clinic for 65.00 a week. It is just another addiction We decided to send him here. As a recovering alcoholic I made him commit to 90 AA meetings in 90 days, get a sponsor, start doing the steps and make friends in AA. NA meetings had drug dealers in them. We went to Rapid Drug Detox in Troy. He got clean. He has had one slip that lasted one day and other then that he's stayed sober for 2 years. His whole life has changed. He has a baby, a women he loves, a job he loves and a life he loves. This facility was the beginning but you need a long term program such as AA to stay sober. I suggested that they talk to patients about AA and I think they do now. I highly recommend this facility along with an 12 step. program.
I was on suboxion for 9 years and now have been clean for over three years! RDD saved my life!
Totally worth it. Can't put a price on being sober and getting life back